my favorite art pieces


So I’ve been packing (UGH!) and have gotten extremely slap happy and bored…. boxes and the such are starting to infuriate me and embed in my mind causing extreme craziness…

SO I started documenting my inventory by having a photo database of it all by using my iPhone’s camera…. that’s neither here nor there…. BUT I thought I would put the pieces of art that I actually do have up as they are my favorite and make me smile… the last one is my by far the best in that it’s a one-of-a-kind that my friend Emily made for me!!! 🙂 GREAT photographer (now living in Seattle…) 

One Response to “my favorite art pieces”

  1. 1 crossmyts

    Dude you are like my second comment ever! Thanks so much for responding to my post. I can not tell you how happy that makes me to see people reading my words. I am such a dork. I’m so glad you watch Six Feet Under. And trust me, I understand the saddness that comes with seeing the final episodes. You will cross that bridge when you are ready for it. Trust me it will be worth it, but sad none-the-less. Looks like you are doing a fair deal or wandering in life my friend. Congrats. Moving to a new city is huge. Huge. Good for you for taking such a journey. I wish you the best of luck with that. I hope the move will not keep you off of the blogspear for long. I can’t wait to reach that stage where I have moved to an exciting life in a new city. Are you moving for work? What line of work are you in? Peace Man.

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